Sermon | May 8, 2022 9am Traditional Worship | Prince of Peace Orlando

Sermon | May 8, 2022 9am Traditional Worship | Prince of Peace Orlando

Sermon | Traditional Worship May 8, 2022 9:00am | Prince of Peace Orlando | Pastor Ken Green * * * * "Those Jesus Sends Are Committed" | Faith and Commitment go hand in hand. Jesus committed His life to us. We have examples from Scripture of people like the Apostle Paul who were committed to Jesus and committed to bringing His good news to the world. We have faithful people of God who have gone before us (including moms) who have humbly modeled the faith. And we are to be committed to Jesus’ word of grace so we would be built up and empowered to share Jesus with others. To what are you committed? How does your life reflect a commitment to Jesus? In what ways do you need Him to build you up in your faith so you are even more equipped to bring His love to others? Scripture focus: Acts 20:17-35; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30; Psalm 23 During these weeks following Easter we look to the Early Church to see how Jesus, the Risen Lord, and the power of the Spirit transformed these followers of Jesus. Coming up “Those Jesus Sends Are…:” “Open” Acts 11:1-18 (May 15) | “Directed” Acts 16:9-15 (May 22) | “Empowered” Acts 1:1-11 (May 29) * * * * Prince of Peace Orlando is a Christ-centered, multicultural church inspired by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament to engage the community with God’s grace and love. Get to know more about Prince of Peace Orlando at To support this ministry and help us continue to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus in the heart of Orlando, click here: * * * * Stay Connected Website: Facebook:   / princeofpeaceorlando   Instagram:   / poporlando   Twitter:   / poporlando   * * * * CCLI License # 1284252 CCLI Streaming License # 20201471 One License # A-719380