Sermon | September 18, 2022 9am Traditional Worship | Prince of Peace Orlando

Sermon | September 18, 2022 9am Traditional Worship | Prince of Peace Orlando

Sermon | September 18, 2022 9:00am Traditional Worship | Prince of Peace Orlando | Pastor Ken Green * * * * “The Old and the New” • Isaiah 43:18-20, Hebrews 8:7-13, Luke 5:36-39 • The phrase “out with the old, in with the new” readily comes to mind this week. As we worship the God who says that He is making all things new, what sense can we make of His counsel to leave the old behind? For one thing, the old way led to death. God’s new way leads to new life, refreshment, a celebration of God’s undeserved love through Jesus. Are there old ways of looking at people and circumstances you need to leave behind? For you, what makes that challenging? How is grace connected with the “new” that Jesus is leading you into? * * * * Prince of Peace Orlando is a Christ-centered, multicultural church inspired by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament to engage the community with God’s grace and love. Get to know more about Prince of Peace Orlando at To support this ministry and help us continue to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus in the heart of Orlando, click here: * * * * Stay Connected Website: Facebook:   / princeofpeaceorlando   Instagram:   / poporlando   Twitter:   / poporlando   * * * * CCLI License # 1284252 CCLI Streaming License # 20201471 One License # A-719380