How Do DIRTED TANKS Work? Aquarium Guide

How Do DIRTED TANKS Work? Aquarium Guide

It’s important to understand how the aquatic ecosystem works. If we want to have a healthy aquarium, we need to learn how a dirted tank works because dirted tanks are the basis of this system. It’s the purest copy of nature. Nature always inspires me and I’m trying to put everything together how I learn from nature. Thank you so much for watching this video! If you want to follow me on Instagram: Feel free to ask me any questions in the comments, below or email me at: E-Mail: [email protected] Dirted Tank No Filter Aquarium No Water Change Tank Walstad Method Aquascape Tutorial Low Tech Aquarium Low Budget Aquarium No Co2 Aquarium Ecosystem Aquarium Fish Tank Planted Aquarium #dirtedtank #aquarium #aquascape