Psoriasis (सोरायसिस) में भूलकर भी ना खाये ये चीज़े | Dr. Megha Chaturvedi | National khabar

Psoriasis (सोरायसिस) में भूलकर भी ना खाये ये चीज़े | Dr. Megha Chaturvedi | National khabar

#psoriasis #drmegha #nationalkhabar #psoriasistreatment #psoriasissolution #psoriasisdiet #drhealth Welcome to our channel! In this informative video, renowned skin specialist, Dr. Megha Chaturvedi, shares crucial insights about managing psoriasis and provides valuable tips on what to avoid eating or applying on your skin. If you or someone you know is dealing with psoriasis, this video is a must-watch! They are available 24X7 for online consultations. 9999086191 Address: B-92, Sushant Lok, Phase 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, Near Huda City Centre Metro Station- 122009 WEBSITE: ENQUIRY FOR ADVERTISEMENT: 09718181166 EMAIL: [email protected] WATCH ON FACEBOOK : @national.news8 FOLLOW ON TWITTER: @NATIONALKHABAR1 psoriasis treatment,psoriasis treatment in ayurveda,ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis,psoriasis treatment in telugu,psoriasis in ayurveda,psoriasis natural treatment,psoriasis ayurvedic treatment,treatment for psoriasis,home remedies for psoriasis,psoriasis cure,psoriasis treatment india,ayurvedic treatment,scalp psoriasis treatment,ayurveda,psoriasis treatment in ayurveda hindi,how to treat psoriasis,psoriasis treatment in ayurveda medicine,national khabar ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Diabetes है Kidney Problems का प्रमुख कारण | diabetes effect on kidneys | Karma Ayurveda"    • क्या Diabetes है Kidney Problems का प...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~