For You | Jesus Christ, King of the Universe | 11.20.2022 | Fr. Brian Larkin
Homily 1: Christ the King Origen in the 3rd Century, on the Kingdom of God, tells us to Pray the Our Father multiple times a day. “Whether you realize it or not, what you are asking God for in the moment you ask God, ‘Thy Kingdom Come,' you are asking God to reign in your soul.”—Fr. Brian Larkin “Sins are things that want to gain power in your soul. Pride, lust, hatred, jealousy, envy, greed… When you pray for Christ to let Kingdom Come, you are asking God to cast out these powers. What a beautiful prayer.”—Fr. Brian Larkin …………………………….. Homily 2: We have a fever, and the only prescription is more cowbell! —A Father Brian Original Skit :) Eucharistic Revival: Purpose is to heal division. “The Eucharist creates the Church.”—Fr. Brian Larkin 70% of practicing Catholics do not accept that the Eucharist is the real Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank.... Some people think, “Why would Christ give us His flesh and blood under the symbols of bread and wine?” “Charity is friendship with God.”—Thomas Aquinas T-Shirt Quote: “The biggest miracle Jesus ever performed was having 12 close friends in his 30s.” “Studies show that men are bad at adult friendships with other men.”—Fr. Brian Larkin 55% of men admitted in the ‘90s they had 6 close friends. As of 2021, 20% of single men report that they do not have any close friends. “Every one of us desires intimate relationships.” —Fr. Brian Larkin “The Eucharist is the Sacrament of Friendship with God.” —Fr. Brian Larkin in reference St. Thomas Aquinas’s definition of charity “What God is doing in the Eucharist is creating deep friendship with you.” —Fr. Brian Larkin To have charity, you have to have: 1. Love 2. Mutual Affection…not just affection “Today, when you receive Communion, you will receive the greatest affirmation you will ever receive for all of eternity.” —Fr. Brian Larkin “The Catholic Church teaches that every time you are at Mass, you are mystically present at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.” —Fr. Brian Larkin “Jesus interprets death at the Last Supper. He takes the piece of bread, identifies it as his body, he breaks it, as a symbol of the breaking of his body, and he says, ‘Take this, all of you, and eat of it, for this is my body, which will be given up for you.” Galatians 2:20: “The Son of God loved me, and he gave himself for me.” https://bible.usccb.org/bible/galatia... “Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection.”—Fr. Brian Larkin “The Eucharist is where God creates communion.”—Fr. Brian Larkin Colossians 1: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/colossi... “In him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell and through him to reconcile all things to himself.” “The Eucharist is the beating heart of the Christian life, where through the death of Jesus Christ, God reconciles us to himself in the deepest friendship you will ever have.”—Fr. Brian Larkin “God doesn’t just love you. In the Eucharist, he is transforming you to become holy as He is holy.”—Fr. Brian Larkin Colossians 1:12 “We give thanks to the Father who has qualified us.” (Hikanos in Greek translation means He has made us worthy) “Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.”