Christ the King by Father Brian Larkin
Christ the King by Father Brian Larkin
Unstoppable | Feast of Christ the King | 11.26.2023 | Fr. Brian Larkin
For You | Jesus Christ, King of the Universe | 11.20.2022 | Fr. Brian Larkin
Just the Beginning | Ascension of the Lord | 5.29.2022 | Fr. Brian Larkin
"Why do you always have to bring Him up?" Fr Brian Larkin's Homily for Third Sunday of Advent, 2021.
What do you worship? - Fr. Brian Larkin's Homily on the Feast of Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Solemnity of Christ the King | 10 AM, MT | Frs. Brian Larkin | 11.21.2021
Mass Livestream | What Really Matters? | The Solemnity of Christ | 11.22.2020 | Fr. Brian Larkin
Ascension Sunday | The Great Commission & Backing the Wrong Horse | Fr. Brian Larkin | May 24, 2020
"The King of the Universe" by Father Brian Larkin
About the Scandal in the Church by Father Brian Larkin
Christ the King by Father Brian Larkin
Entropy, Communion and God's Love by Father Brian Larkin, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish