17 September 2023 - Only By Grace Reflections

17 September 2023 - Only By Grace Reflections

NOTE: Please click the Subscribe key on YouTube and press the black notification bell to receive the daily reflections. Or, open in YouTube for easy access. View and Like. Thank you. TOPIC: HOW MANY TIMES MUST I FORGIVE? First Reading: Sirach 27: 30 – 28: 7 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 103: 1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12 Second Reading: Romans 14: 7-9 Alleluia: John 13: 34 Gospel: Matthew 18: 21-35 Jesus said in today’s gospel, taken from, Matthew 18:21-35, "I say to you, forgive not seven times but seventy-seven times.”  Jesus’s point here is not to prescribe a specific number of times to forgive, but rather to convey the idea that forgiveness should be limitless and offered generously. There is no denying that Nelson Mandela is one of the most prolific people who inspired us during our lifetime. This is a man who stood up for what he believed in by working with words and actions, NOT violence. He was wrongfully imprisoned and could have come out bitter and angry. But instead, he came out grateful and empowered. May we forgive generously and without limit just like Nelson Mandela.   This is the 1241st installment of our CFC contemplation series focusing on the daily liturgical readings. [NOTE: As we continue to pray for Bro Bong Arjonillo’s healing and recovery, let us listen to our brother Israel Silud, as he brings us today's reflection. All the regular reflections are between 3-7 minutes long, enough time for us to ponder what God's message is for us individually and to pray that we may live them out in our lives. This video is also available on Couples for Christ’s Facebook page. In You Tube, just type ONLY BY GRACE REFLECTIONS] #OnlyByGraceReflections #CFC #CouplesforChrist