Unit 1st One Shot video AKTU Exam special by Lalit Rathi sir akturesult2023 #aktuexam #oneshot
Unit 1st One Shot video AKTU Exam special by Lalit Rathi sir AKTU engineering physics Unit 1st One shot video AKTU Unit 1st engineering physics One shot video AKTU Unit 1st One shot video KAS 101/201 AKTU engineering physics KAS 101/201 1st unit One shot video #aktuphysics #aktu #uptu #mtu #physics #Interference #emft #technical #btech #bsc #aktuevensem #akturesult #akturesult2023 #aktuexam #blackbody #debroglie #debrogliehypothesis #schrodingerwaveequation #schrodinger #schrodingerequation #schrödinger #poyntingtheorem #poyntingvector #timeindependent #timedependent #matterwave #physicsoneshot #unit1stoneshot #unit1stphysicsoneshot Derive an expression for Compton shift. Explain the presence of unmodified radiation in Compton scattering. 2017-18 IInd sem. What is Compton effect? Derive a suitable expression for Compton Shift (λ’-λ) = 2018-19 IInd sem. Derive an expression for Compton shift. Explain the presence of unmodified radiation in Compton scattering. 2018-19 What is Compton Effect? Derive an expression for Compton shift. 2020-21 Define Compton Effect and apply it to find an expression for the Compton shift (ֹ∆λ). 2021-22 What is Compton effect? Deduce an expression for Compton shift. 2021-22 IInd sem. Derive an expression for Compton wavelength shift (∆λ) for a Compton scattering experiment. 2022-23 Write the Schrodinger’s wave equation for a particle in one‐dimensional box and solve it to obtain the eigen values and eigen functions. 2020-21 IInd code paper. Solve Schrodinger’s wave equation for a particle in one dimensional infinite potential box. + Numerical. 2021-22 Derive time independent Schrodinger wave equation. Write down the time independent Schrodinger equation for a particle in one-dimensional box (infinitely deep potential well) and find out energy eigenvalues (energy levels) and the corresponding energy Eigen functions (normalized wave functions) of the particle. 2022-23 Derive Planck’s law of radiation. How does it explain Wien’s displacement and Rayleigh-Jeans laws? 2018-19 IInd sem. What is the Planck’s theory of black body radiations? Obtain an expression for the average energy of the oscillators and derive the Planck’s radiation law. 2020-21 IInd code paper. Explain the physical significance of wave function given by Max Born. 2022-23 Obtain time independent and dependent Schrodinger’s wave equations. 2018-19 Define wave function with its physical significance. Derive Schrodinger’s time independent wave equation. 2021-22 What is the physical significance of a wave function? Derive Schrodinger time independent wave equation. 2021-22 IInd sem. What is the concept of de-Broglie matter waves? Describe Davisson-Germer experiment and prove that electrons possess wave nature. 2017-18 Engg. Physics Unit 1st Complete Playlist • Unit 1st- Quantum mechanics Engg. Phy... Engg. Physics Unit 2nd Complete Playlist • Unit 2nd EMFT Engg. Physics BAS-101/... Engg. Physics Unit 3rd Complete Playlist • Unit 3rd- Wave Optics Engg. Physics ... Engg. Physics Unit 4th Complete Playlist • Unit 4th- Optical fiber and Laser Eng... Engg. Physics Unit 5th Playlist • Unit 5th - Superconductors and Nano m... Fundaments of mechanical Engg. Unit 1st Complete Playlist • Unit 1st Fundamentals of Mechanical E... Fundaments of mechanical Engg. Unit 2nd Complete Playlist • Unit 2st Fundamentals of Mechanical E... Fundaments of mechanical Engg. Unit 3rd Complete Playlist • Unit-3: Introduction to Refrigeration... Fundamentals of Mechanical Engg. Unit 4th Complete Playlist • Unit-4: Introduction to Fluid Mechani... Fundamentals of Mechanical Engg. Unit 5th Complete Playlist • Unit 5th Fundamentals of Mechanical e... Help line number 9058830440 Full syllabus @zerocost Recorded lectures PYQs solution topicwise Unit wise formulae For PDF join our telegram channel: https://t.me/EngineersGateWay1 Engineering Physics by lalit sir Engineering Physics by lalit rathi Engineering Physics by lalit rathi sir Enginnering physics by lalit kumar sir Engineering Physics by lalit kumar rathi sir Engineering Physics by rathi sir