Unit 5th One Shot AKTU Exam special by Lalit Rathi sir #aktu #akturesult2023 #aktuexam #oneshot

Unit 5th One Shot AKTU Exam special by Lalit Rathi sir #aktu #akturesult2023 #aktuexam #oneshot

AKTU engineering physics Unit 5th One shot video AKTU Unit 5th engineering physics One shot video AKTU One shot video KAS 101/201 AKTU engineering physics KAS 101/201 5th unit One shot video #enggphysics #aktuphysics #aktu #uptu #mtu #physics #Interference #emft #technical #btech #bsc #aktuevensem #akturesult #akturesult2023 #aktuexam #MI #CSK #GT #WC2023 #INDIA #Nationalflag #freeeducation #criticaltemperature #criticalmagneticfield #criticalcurrent #persistentcurrent #LTS #HTS #nanomaterials #quantumwell #quantumwire #quantumdot #aktuexam #exam #aktu #aktuvirul Nano-Materials: Introduction and properties of nano materials, Basics concept of Quantum Dots, Quantum wires and Quantum well Types of superconductors, Type I superconductors, Type II superconductors, Low temperature superconductor, High temperature superconductor, Applications of superconductors Critical temperature, critical magnetic field, critical current, persistent current,Temperature dependence of critical field, Persistent current Meissner effect All about superconductors and Temperature dependence of resistivity in superconducting Engg. Physics Unit 1st Complete Playlist    • Unit 1st- Quantum mechanics Engg. Phy...   Engg. Physics Unit 2nd Complete Playlist    • Unit 2nd EMFT Engg. Physics  BAS-101/...   Engg. Physics Unit 3rd Complete Playlist    • Unit 3rd- Wave Optics Engg. Physics  ...   Engg. Physics Unit 4th Complete Playlist    • Unit 4th- Optical fiber and Laser Eng...   Engg. Physics Unit 5th Playlist    • Unit 5th - Superconductors and Nano m...   Fundaments of mechanical Engg. Unit 1st Complete Playlist    • Unit 1st Fundamentals of Mechanical E...   Fundaments of mechanical Engg. Unit 2nd Complete Playlist    • Unit 2st Fundamentals of Mechanical E...   Fundaments of mechanical Engg. Unit 3rd Complete Playlist    • Unit-3: Introduction to Refrigeration...   Help line number 9058830440 Full syllabus @zerocost Recorded lectures PYQs solution topicwise Unit wise formulae For PDF join our telegram channel: https://t.me/EngineersGateWay1 Unit-5: Superconductors and Nano-Materials: Superconductors: Temperature dependence of resistivity in superconducting materials, Meissner effect, Temperature dependence of critical field, Persistent current,Type I and Type II superconductors, High temperature superconductors, Properties and Applications of Super-conductors. Nano-Materials: Introduction and properties of nano materials, Basics concept of Quantum Dots, Quantum wires and Quantum well, Fabrication of nano materials -TopDown approach (CVD) and Bottom-Up approach (Sol Gel), Properties and Application of nano materials. #Superconductors #Superconductivity #QuantumPhysics #MaterialsScience #HighTemperatureSuperconductors #SuperconductorApplications #SuperconductingMaterials #Cryogenics #SuperconductorResearch #SuperconductorTechnology #SuperconductorDevices #SuperconductorTheory #MagneticLevitation #SuperconductingMagnets #SuperconductingWires #SuperconductingCircuits #SuperconductorProperties #SuperconductingPowerGrids #SuperconductivityExplained #FutureofSuperconductors Engineering Physics by lalit sir Engineering Physics by lalit rathi Engineering Physics by lalit rathi sir Enginnering physics by lalit kumar sir Engineering Physics by lalit kumar rathi sir Engineering Physics by rathi sir