MIKE MENTZER VS. THE “SCIENCE” OF HIGH VOLUME TRAINING #mikementzer  #gym  #motivation


To learn more about Mike Mentzer's life, legacy and teachings, please visit: https://www.hituni.com/about/mike-men... In this video, Heavy Duty College looks into the studies of researchers James Krieger and Brad Schoenfeld, who are a major influence on how a lot of bodybuilders look at training these days. Both men sell their own books; Krieger sells the “Fitness Science Explained” (US$15.95 on Amazon.com), while Schoenfeld sells “The M.A.X. Muscle Plan 2.0” (US$15.37 on Amazon) and “Science and Development of Muscle Hypertrophy” (US$41.60, Amazon). They are popular, but are their conclusions supported by the studies they cite and the methods they use? Not all exercise scientists believe so. This video explains why. Many thanks to Ironman magazine publisher John Balik for allowing me to use his copyrighted photographs of Mike Mentzer in this video. To see more of Mike Mentzer check out these videos by Wayne Gallasch of GMV: MIKE & RAY MENTZER TRIPLE PACK DVD SET (V-209SP-DVD)  http://tinyurl.com/ym4vdkta MIKE & RAY MENTZER – GYM WORKOUT DOWNLOAD  (V-121)  http://tinyurl.com/2ua7p8rj MIKE MENTZER – FINAL CHAPTER DOWNLOAD  (V-208)  http://tinyurl.com/yc4efn8y