Bread in 10 minutes! No oven! This is the tastiest thing I've ever eaten! Anyone can do it.
Bread in 10 minutes! No oven! This is the tastiest thing I've ever eaten! Anyone can do it. Hello Friends, Welcome to my channel.Today, I’m preparing Bread Recipe.It’s easy and tasty recipe.I hope you enjoy my recipe. Bread in 10 minutes! No oven! This is the MOST DELICIOUS I have ever eaten! Anyone can do it. Please watch the video until the end so you don't miss the details. Don't forget to "SUBSCRIBE" to my channel for my new recipes and turn on the "RING" (🔔) for notifications. ___ Necessary components ___ 4 cups of flour (480g) 1/2 cup of warm water 1/2 cup of warm milk 1&1/2 tablespoon of yeast 1/2 tablespoon of sugar 1/2 teaspoon of salt or to taste 1/2 tbsp of vegetable oil For the above: Olive oil (50 ml) Take a bowl and add water, milk, yeast, sugar and salt to it and mix well. When it is mixed well, add flour to it and mask it well. When kneading the dough, add the oil to it or you can add the oil at the beginning After kneading the dough, cover it and keep it for an hour ___ المكونات الضرورية ___ 4 أكواب من الدقيق (480 جم) 1/2 كوب من الماء الدافئ 1/2 كوب من الحليب الدافئ 1&1/2 ملعقة طعام من الخميرة 1/2 ملعقة كبيرة من السكر 1/2 ملعقة صغيرة من الملح أو حسب الذوق 1/2 ملعقة كبيرة من الزيت النباتي لما سبق: زيت الزيتون (50 مل) خذ وعاءا وأضف الماء والحليب والخميرة والسكر والملح إليه واخلطه جيدا. عندما يتم خلطه جيدا، أضف الدقيق إليه ودلكه جيدا. عند عجن العجين، أضف الزيت إليه أو يمكنك إضافة الزيت في البداية بعد عجن العجين، قم بتغطيته واحتفظ به لمدة ساعة #10dakikadaekmek #mayazekmek #bread #breakfast recipes #breakfast #favouriterecipes In Minutes Recipe | Quick And Easy Breakfast Recipe |Yummy Evening Snacks Recipe | Evening Snacks Recipe | Snacks | Lockdown Snack Recipe | Quick Evening snack Recipe | Tasty & Delicious Snack Recipe | Easy Snack | Instant Snacks Recipes | Evening Snacks Recipes | Kids Snacks | Quick Tea Time Snacks Recipes | Snacks Recipes | Easy Snacks | Instant Snacks | Quick Snacks | Instant Veg Snacks Recipes | Homemade Snacks | Indian Snacks For Kids | Healthy Evening Snacks Indian | Evening Snacks Indian | Easy Snacks To Make In Minutes | Indian Vegetarian Recipes | Easy Meals | Easy Recipes | Healthy Breakfast | Dinner Ideas | Healthy Recipes | Evening Snacks Indian | quick & Easy Breakfast Recipe - Easy Recipes | School Lunch Box Recipe | Evening Snacks Low Calorie | Evening Snacks Vegetarian | Evening Snacks Easy | Evening Snacks Quick And Easy | Recipes | Evening Snacks Recipe | Evening Snacks For Kids | Evening Snacks | Tea Time Snacks Healthy | Tea Time Snacks | Tea Time Snacks At Home | Jhatpat Tea Time Snacks | Tea Time Snacks | Tea Time Sna ry Easy Snacks Recipe | Snacks Recipe | Village style cooking | desi cooking | food secrets | lahori Foods | Healthy Breakfast Recipe | very Less Oil Breakfast Recipes | New Breakfast Recipe | Breakfast Recipe With Very Less Oil|Easy Mango Ice Cream Recipe with Basic Ingredients #kitchenwithfemme #recipe #easyrecipe #homemadeicecream WRITE A REVIEW or ask me a question about the recipe. I will be very happy to answer you. 📢 You can also share this video with your friends on social networks to let them know what dish you want to cook next. Subscribe to the channel, press the bell not to miss a new video with quick and delicious recipes. Thanks for your time! Plz like , share & Subscribe my channel 👉 / @kitchenwithfemme-yv3op