코다리전문점 뺨친다! 안먹고는 못베겨요 | 초간단 명태코다리찜 만드는법 | KODARIJJIM | STEAMED POLLACK | HOME COOKING

코다리전문점 뺨친다! 안먹고는 못베겨요 | 초간단 명태코다리찜 만드는법 | KODARIJJIM | STEAMED POLLACK | HOME COOKING

안녕하세요 희아네입니다☺ 오늘의 메뉴는 코다리찜입니다 준비물:코다리4마리,무우,꽈리고추,대파,청양고추, 삶은달걀,진간장,국간장,고추장,된장,참치액, 고춧가루,설탕,물엿,맛술,들기름 1 코다리는 불필요한 부분을 가위로 잘라주고 크기에 따라 토막을 내준뒤 깨끗히 씻어주기 2 무우는 적당한 두께로 큼직하게 썰어주기 3 대파와 청양고추는 어슷하게 썰어주기 4 꽈리고추는 꼭지 제거하기 5 삶은달걀은 껍질 벗겨주기 6 냄비에 준비한 무우깔고 손질된 코다리와 꽈리고추 넣기 7 다진마늘1큰술,진간장2큰술,국간장2큰술,참치액1큰술,맛술2큰술,물엿2큰술,설탕1큰술,고춧가루2큰술,된장1/2큰술,고추장1/2큰술,물(잠길정도)넣기 8 물이 반쯤 졸아들었을때 삶은달걀,대파, 청양고추를 넣고 졸여줍니다 9 마지막 들기름1큰술 넣어주면 완성입니다 영상이 도움이 되셨다면 구독 좋아요 알람설정은 희아네 영상 제작에 큰 힘이 됩니다 오늘도 시청해주셔서 감사합니다🙇‍♂️ Hello, I'm HeeA ☺ Today's menu is braised pollack Ingredients: 4 pollack, radish, quince peppers, green onions, Cheongyang peppers, Boiled eggs, soy sauce, soup soy sauce, red pepper paste, soybean paste, tuna liquid, Red pepper powder, sugar, starch syrup, cooking wine, perilla oil 1 Cut unnecessary parts of your nose with scissors Depending on the size, cut it into pieces and wash it thoroughly 2 Cut the radish into small pieces 3 Cut green onions and chili peppers diagonally 4 Remove the stem of the pepper 5 Peel the boiled egg 6 Put radish on the pot and prepare the nose bridge Adding chili peppers 7 Add 1 tablespoon of minced garlic, 2 tablespoons of thick soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of tuna, 2 tablespoons of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of starch syrup, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 tablespoons of red pepper powder, 1/2 tablespoons of soybean paste, 1/2 tablespoon of water 8 When the water is half boiled down, add boiled eggs, green onions, and Cheongyang peppers and boil them down 9 Add 1 tablespoon of perilla oil and it's If this video helped you, please subscribe and like it The alarm setting It's a great help to produce Hee-ah's video Thank you for watching today 🙇‍♂️ #코다리조림 #코다리찜 #희아네집밥 📮 email- uhee7777777@gmail com 🎀인스타-희아네집밥 검색