Reset Your Focus with a Free Guided Meditation | Headspace Courses

Reset Your Focus with a Free Guided Meditation | Headspace Courses

This is Session 1 of Part 1 of Finding Focus, a course by Headspace. Deepen your practice and continue with Session 2 on the Headspace app. Use the code FOCUS30 for 30% off: Welcome to day one of finding your focus. No matter what it is that you want to be more focused on — your hobbies, your relationships, your job — the same instructions apply. This 10-part course guides you through practical techniques to help you be more intentional with your thoughts and actions in daily life. Our meditation and mental health experts will walk you through foundational exercises, visualization tools, and mindfulness tips to retrain your brain and refocus your attention. Learn more about Finding Focus and continue your practice with part two on the Headspace app: Headspace’s courses incorporate guided meditations, visualization techniques, and expert advice to support you on your mindfulness journey. Explore the full library of courses: Watch more from Headspace: Subscribe to the Headspace channel:    / @headspace   #Headspace #MentalHealth #HeadspaceCourses Enjoyed this relaxing video? Find more on the Headspace app! App Store: Google Play: Check out Headspace online! Website: Instagram:   / headspace   Twitter:   / headspace   Facebook:   / headspace