Yoga Nidra for Womb Wisdom
55 Minute Yoga Nidra for Sacred Womb Wisdom | Connect to Divine Feminine for Healing and Release Join Kristyn Rose in this full length 55 minute yoga nidra or guided meditation practice to nurture, restore, and extend compassionate loving awareness towards the sacred womb space. Whether you are someone with or without the presence of a physical womb, know that this practice has been delicately created to hold a container of safe space for you to simply relax back into the presence of the sacred womb space; to be present here in the essence of the divine feminine and the energies of yin, nurturance, softness and compassion. To rest in a place of acceptance and neutral witnessing presence to acknowledge what this sacred space needs. This is beautiful practice enjoy during your moon or menstrual cycle to release tension and support tension relief. You might also enjoy this practice anytime or anywhere, for we hold deeply rooted emotional tensions and histories within the womb tissues and cells, and within this sacral region of the physical body. Here you are invited to just rest deeply and allow healing awareness and breath to go to where it needs to go - to all of the more tender parts of you that need it the most. Rest, release, and let go. In a deeply relaxed parasympathetic state of yoga nidra, you will be naturally drawn back towards a place of homeostasis, wholeness, and oneness with all that is. During the deep medicinal rest that comes in the practice and the state of yoga nidra, you will be guided into a state of wakeful sleep where you can plant the seed of good intent to let go of and cleanse away what's no longer needed here. Trust your body, for your body knows what it needs - yoga nidra simply creates the container of safe space for you to release and let go, thereby creating space for your Sankulpa or intention to come into fruition. Happy resting. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Feeling called to join an online Yoga Nidra YTT? See the link below! School of Living Yoga Online Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training: https://allyboothroyd.com/online-yoga... Thank you for joining me today. If you liked this video, please click that 'like' button for it really supports my channel. Leave a comment, let me know where you are from, what you liked, and what you would like to see more of. Let me know how I can support you and your practice further. You can subscribe and hit the bell to get notified when new content comes out each and every week :) You might enjoy one of these yoga nidra practices next or save it for later: 20 Minute Yoga Nidra to Reduce Stress: • Yoga Nidra to Explore Pranamaya Kosha... 25 Minute Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra: • Heart Chakra Yoga Nidra 26 Minute Yoga Nidra Power Nap: • Yoga Nidra Power Nap 24 Minutes 30 Minute Yoga Nidra for Self Love: • Video 43 Minute New Moon Yoga Nidra: • New Moon Yoga Nidra | New Beginnings ... 45 Minute Yoga Nidra for Gratitude: • Yoga Nidra for Gratitude 45 Minute Yoga Nidra for Grounding Vata Season: • Grounding Yoga Nidra for Balancing Va... 50 Minute Yoga Nidra in the Costa Rican Jungle: • New Moon Yoga Nidra for Healing Rest 50 Minute Healing Earth Yoga Nidra | Costa Rica: • Healing Earth Yoga Nidra | Grounding ... On Vancouver Island? Join me on Facebook for future events, workshops and retreats (starting in May 2023): / yoganidrasacredcircle Follow my journey on Instagram: / kristynroseyoga Practice with me on Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/kristynrose If you are one of our students in the Transformational Sleep Yoga Nidra Teacher Training, here at the School of Living Yoga I’d love to hear from you in the comments. Please know we have also have live trainings in Canada and Costa Rica and Online trainings with amazing people from around the world who come together and it’s a beautiful experience. Interested? Leave a comment and let's connect. May you be happy, healthy, peaceful and free. Namaste, Kristyn Rose ______________________________________________________________________________________________ #yoganidra #nonsleepdeeprest #wombhealing#TransformationalSleepYTT #OnlineYTT #EmbodiedWisdom200hrYTT #MoontoMoonRestorativeYTT