미운오리새끼|The Ugly Duckling|동화로 배우는 영어|영어동화|어린이영어

미운오리새끼|The Ugly Duckling|동화로 배우는 영어|영어동화|어린이영어

#미운오리새끼 #백조 #영어동화 #어린이영어 제이슨이랑 친구가 될 수 있어요!! ↘↘↘ https://bit.ly/2NjMMjr [ The Ugly Duckling ] Once upon a time, a mother duck laid eggs. Most of the ducklings were born at almost the same time, but only one duckling came out very late compared to the other ducklings. That duckling was very ugly too. His mom thought he was a special son. One day his mother said “It's time to learn swimming!” Most of the ducklings jumped into the pond softly, but the Ugly Duckling jumped heavily. The other ducklings laughed at the Ugly Duckling. Also there were some farm animals that hated the Ugly Duckling too. As soon as the other ducklings and farm animals bullied the Ugly Duckling. The Ugly Duckling left the farm. While the Ugly duckling walked and walked it found a house. Inside of the house, an old grandmother came out of the house. When she saw the Ugly Duckling. She took it inside of her house. The grandmother’s hen and cat boosted to the Ugly Duckling. At that time, the Ugly Duckling thought he wanted to swim on the pond. So, the Ugly Duckling secretly got out of the grandmother’s house. While he was swimming on the pond, he saw some white swans flying across the sky. The Ugly Duckling wished to be a swan. The winter came. The Ugly Duckling froze. A hunter saw the Ugly Duckling and brought it to his house. The hunter's wife hated the Ugly Duckling, so the Ugly Duckling got out of the house. When he went to the pond, the Ugly Duckling was very surprised, because he saw a swan shining on the water. The Ugly Duckling was a beautiful swan! Now the Ugly Duckling isn't a lonely Ugly Duckling. I think bullying is bad to do. I will not bully someone and I hope you will not bully someone too!