Reduce Asthma Symptoms, Breathe Through Your Nose
If you are asthmatic, you should be breathing through your nose. You may never have heard this information before, but if you want to know how to reduce asthma symptoms and improve your health, then you need to close your mouth and start nasal breathing. It could be your first step to silence that wheezing lung. Buteyko Clinic International founder Patrick McKeown brought his own asthma under control 20 years ago using the Buteyko Breathing Method. In this short video he explains the importance of nasal breathing exercises for asthma in order to reduce symptoms and improve health. Mouth breathing can cause inflammation and narrowing of the lung’s airways. Unlike the nose, the mouth doesn’t filter, warm or moisten the air coming into your lungs, making us much more susceptible to colds, infections and potentially respiratory disorders. When you are short of breath, you may think big gulps of air through the mouth is how to bring it under control. This will not help, in fact, it may make things worse. Thousands of people with asthma have seen their symptoms reduced significantly thanks to the Buteyko method. BCI are very successful with the functional breathing training they offer. Generally, asthmatics attending Buteyko International clinics to see a 50% reduction in asthma symptoms after two weeks, as long as they practice the required daily breathing exercises between clinics. A more detailed and in-depth article on asthma and breathing can be seen here. For more information on the Buteyko Breathing Method or to book a place one of our many courses, please visit our website. 🔗 CONNECT WITH Patrick McKeown (Buteyko Clinic International) 💻 Website - https://buteykoclinic.com/ 📹 YouTube Channel - Buteyko Clinic International - YouTube 📸 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/buteykoclin... 📱Facebook - / buteykoclinic 💼 LinkedIn - / buteyko-clinic-international Buteyko Clinic International on YouTube. Over 20 years’ experience of international breathing expert Patrick McKeown at your fingertips.