신현근 박사: 경계선 내담자의 감별진단과 치료 1
Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Borderline Patients 1 경계선 내담자의 감별 진단과 치료 1 Clinically, when we speak of patients with borderline personality organization, we refer to patients who present serious difficulties in their interpersonal relationships and some alteration of their experience of reality but with essential preservation of reality testing (Chapter 1) Such patients also present contradictory character traits, chaotic coexistence of defenses against and direct expression of primitive "id contents" in consciousness, a kind of pseudo-insight into their personality without real concern for nor awareness of the conflictual nature of this material, and a lack of clear identity and lack of understanding in depth of other people These patients present primitive defensive operations rather than repression and related defenses, and above all, mutual dissociation of contradictory ego states reflecting what might be called a "nonmetabolized" persistence of early, pathological internalized object relationships They also show "nonspecific" manifestations of ego weakness The term "nonspecific" refers to lack of impulse control, lack of anxiety tolerance, lack of sublimatory capacity, and presence of primary process thinking, and indicates that these manifestations of ego weakness represent a general inadequacy of normal ego functions In contrast, the primitive defensive constellation of these patients and their contradictory, pathological character traits are "specific" manifestations of ego weakness In short, they represent highly individualized, active compromise formations of impulse and defense (Kernberg, 1975, pp 161-162) ▶ This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) in Korean (한국어) is publicly shared to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various continents, countries, and regions of the world have an easy and free access to the life-coaching, psychoanalytic, and spiritual insights and wisdom ▶영어 주교재 Kernberg (1975) Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism New York; Jason Aronson Inc ▶한글 주교재 Kernberg, O 지음 윤순임 외 옮김 (2008) 경계선 장애와 병리적 나르시시즘 서울: 학지사