신현근 박사: 정신분열증과 경계선 장애의 감별 진단

신현근 박사: 정신분열증과 경계선 장애의 감별 진단

Differential diagnosis of schizophrenia and borderline conditions 정신분열증과 경계선 인격 장애의 감별 진단 It is, of course, useful to explore first whether, in the diagnostic interviews, there is any formal thought disorder, hallucinations and/or delusions; if present, these would confirm that the patient is psychotic If the interviews reveal no formal thought disorder, no clear-cut hallucinations or delusions, I would then focus upon the more subtle aspects of the patient's thinking, affect, and behavior which would indicate some inappropriate or bizarre quality within the context of the interpersonal situation of the interviews Confronting the patient with such subtly inappropriate or bizarre aspects of his behavior, affect, or thought content is usually anxiety provoking for him However, when done tactfully and respectfully, and with an effort to clarify the confusing, disruptive or distorting influence of this aspect of his behavior upon the relationship with the interviewer in the "here and now," this confrontation may provide an opportunity for meaningful support of the patient (Kernberg 1975, pp 179-180) ▶ This lecture provided in one of the classes of Innovative Coaching Center (ICC) in Korean (한국어) is publicly shared to help Korean-speaking communities and their members located in various continents, countries, and regions of the world have an easy and free access to the life-coaching, psychoanalytic, and spiritual insights and wisdom ▶영어 주교재 Kernberg (1975) Borderline conditions and pathological narcissism New York; Jason Aronson Inc ▶한글 주교재 Kernberg, O 지음 윤순임 외 옮김 (2008) 경계선 장애와 병리적 나르시시즘 서울: 학지사