신현근 박사:   경계선 환자의 내적 대상 관계에 대한 진단

신현근 박사: 경계선 환자의 내적 대상 관계에 대한 진단

Diagnosis of the Borderline Patient's Internal Object Relations 경계선 환자의 내적 대상 관계에 대한 진단 The recognition of these transference-countertransference enactments considerably precedes the patient's ability to understand them and use interpretations of them in a constructive manner Therefore, therapists must postpone the need to interpret while systematically scrutinizing their countertransference long before the patient can put words to feelings Bion (1974) made the following observation: Psycho-analysts must be able to tolerate the differences or the difficulties of the analysand long enough to recognise what they are If psycho-analysts are to be able to interpret what the analysand says, they must have a great capacity for tolerating their analysands statements without rushing to the conclusion that they know the interpretations (p 72) (Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M , 2000, p 81) ▶영어 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M (2000) Management of countertransference with borderline patients New York: A Jason Aronson Book ▶한글 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M 지음 한재현과 양미래 옮김 (2020) 역전이와 경계선 환자의 치료 서울: 학지사 ▶클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: