Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra | Embrace Your Authentic Expression

Throat Chakra Yoga Nidra | Embrace Your Authentic Expression

The Throat Chakra is a space of vibrational communication in the physical and spiritual planes. This Yoga Nidra will focus on coming back to the knowing that your physical and spiritual voice are one and important. Expect breathing exercises, physical relaxation, energy healing and affirmations. Use this guided meditation/Yoga Nidra when you want to activate the sacred power of deep, loving acceptance for your own personal, soul-filled self-expression. Support: When practicing this Yoga Nidra, I suggest you lay down on a comfortable surface with a pillow beneath your knees. I recommend covering with a plush blanket to help you feel the grounding effects of the meditation even more. It will help you feel deeply rooted in your body. Writer and Guide: DeeDee Jones Energy Healer, Meditation Facilitator & Intuitive Guide Instagram   / soul_technologies   Music: Epidemic Sound/Canva Thank you so much for sharing in this meditation with me. Share with a friend if you feel it will support them! #deedeejones #soultechnologies #guidedmeditation #release #healing #energyhealing __________________________________________ DISCLAIMER: Do not drive or operate machinery while meditating. Also, consult your doctor if you have any sensitivity to sound or light before listening to this meditation. By using this video, you agree that neither Soul Technologies nor any persons affiliated with this entity have any liability to you for any injury or loss you may incur with any content we post.