September 26, 2021 – The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist (Livestream)

September 26, 2021 – The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost: Holy Eucharist (Livestream)

Service notes and music (Bulletin: ) Prelude Opening Hymn 546 Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve, Tune: Siroë Song of Praise (11:15) LEVAS 243 Glory to God from Mass for Grace, Carl Haywood First Reading James 5:13-20 The Gospel Mark 9:38-50 Offertory Anthem This is the Hour of Banquet and of Song, Alfred V. Fedak – Chancel Choir Presentation Hymn 609 Where cross the crowded ways of life, Tune: Gardiner Sanctus LEVAS 255, Grayson Warren Brown Fraction Anthem LEVAS 270, Marjorie Landsmark-DeLewis Music During Communion LEVAS 177 It’s me, O Lord, African American Spiritual Closing Hymn 347 Go forth for God; go to the world in peace, Tune: Litton Postlude