Let Go Vinyasa Flow Yoga Class - Five Parks Yoga
Welcome back to Five Parks Yoga’s online classes! Thank you to all who have reached out to me during this time. While I typically take a filming break while we are in CO for the summer, this break has been a little longer than usual. I appreciate all of you - my subscribers, supporters, and members - for your continued support and connection. No matter where you are in the world right now, the Coronavirus Pandemic has, no doubt, impacted your life on some level. Personally, we have been impacted in a number of ways. My husbands’ business has been impacted, as well as all three of my kids’ activities and school. The Costa Rica borders, (our second home where we film classes and host retreats), have been closed. We sent my oldest son off to college, crossing our fingers, that with the wildfires and pandemic, he would get to stay and succeed. We have two more kids dealing with online and hybrid school amidst new rules and new “norms.” If you are dealing with any or all of these changes or stressors, you are not alone. We are doing our best to adjust our mindset, expectations, and lifestyle. While we have not been able to film on our deck, because of the wildfires and smoke, we have decided to embrace our current situation and film indoors in our CO home living room space. While it challenges me to re-engage and step into a new “norm,” I just want to connect with all of you and let you know that I am here and I am invested in engaging with you via Youtube classes and future retreats. I hope you enjoy this “Let Go Yoga Flow” class. The focus of this class is to let go of tension in the body - via movement, to let go of stress - via breath, and to let go of negative thoughts via the mind. This class begins with a breathing exercise paired with Ganesha Mudra. If you are not comfortable with this hand placement, you can always rest your hands comfortably on your knees. After you practice pranayama, this class moves into movement with a gentle warm-up, (at about the 7 minute mark). At the 13 min mark, we move into traditional sun salutations, which will lead you toward a standing vinyasa flow with standard postures - (warriors, high and low lunges, squats, chair pose, standing splits, chaturangas, and more). At the 35 min mark, indulge in deep stretches like wide-legged low lunge and crow squat (malasana). Enjoy a final energetic release with sunflowers and windmills before making your way toward your belly for shoulder stretches and then seated stretches for hips and hamstrings and leg lifts for your core. Your class will wrap up with happy baby, reclined twists, knees to chest, Savasana, and a quote from Rolf Gates, Meditations from the Mat. I hope you enjoy this very well rounded class that includes mind, body, and breath. Peace in your thoughts, peace in your words, peace in your heart. Namaste, Erin We'd love to know what you thought about this class in the comments below! Please don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and we'll see you soon! 😍 Want to help support Five Parks Yoga to create even more classes? Your small contribution makes a HUGE difference to us and matters a ton. Consider becoming a supporter at: https://fiveparksyoga.com/support/ 👕 Have you seen our newest merch? Yoga mats, tanks, t-shirts and so much more! New designs are released all the time, so be sure to check it all out! https://five-parks-yoga.creator-sprin... ✈ 🏝 Want to join Erin and her team on a Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica?? We host multiple retreats per year and we'd love to have you join us! Learn More: http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ 📅 How about 30 days of yoga? Join one of our Free 30 Day Yoga Challenges and we'll send you a new class every day for a month! Sign up for free at: https://fiveparksyoga.com/challenges/ 🌴 Did you know you can rent Casa Colorado where we film all of our classes for the perfect tropical family vacation? Exclusive discounts for Five Parks Yoga subscribers at https://fiveparksyoga.com/casacolorado/ #yoga #homeyoga #yogaretreats Yoga Instructor: Erin Sampson Location: Arvada, Colorado Visit us Online: http://FiveParksYoga.com Follow us on Facebook: / fiveparksyoga Follow us on Instagram: / fiveparksyoga Special Five Parks Students Offer! We have a special discount for you on the same Singing Bowls that Erin uses in her classes! Save a full 20% on Singing Bowls with coupon code "IMSAVE20" on their Amazon store at: https://amzn.to/2LbXLYl - Erin loves her Silent Mind Singing Bowl and you will too :) Sign up for news about Erin's upcoming yoga retreats! http://fiveparksyoga.com/yoga-retreats/ Do you have a class request for Erin? Let her know! http://fiveparksyoga.com/classrequest/ Want to know Erin's favorite Yoga Mat? Favorite Yoga Pants? http://fiveparksyoga.com/reviews/ Produced by Tamarindo Films: http://tamarindofilms.com/ #yoga #homeyoga #quarantineyoga