THE DARK PHOENIX RISES!! X-Men: The Last Stand Full Movie Reaction Watch Along: / thereelrejects With Marvel's Deadpool & Wolverine setting Boxoffice Records, Andrew Gordon & Tara Erickson continue their Marathon of the 20th Century Fox X-Men / Marvel movies - today giving their REACTION, Commentary Analysis, Easter Eggs, Breakdown, & Full Movie Spoiler Review for the culmination film in the original X-Men Trilogy as the mutants face growing public backlash, a potential cure for the X-Gene, and the transformation of Jean Grey into the infamous Dark Phoenix. X-Men 3 features the return of Hugh Jackman (Logan, The Greatest Showman, Prisoners, The Prestige) as Logan Howlett aka Wolverine along with Patrick Stewart (Dune, Star Trek: The Next Generation) as Professor Charles Xavier, Ian McKellen (The Lord of the Rings, The Da Vinci Code) as Erik Lenshher aka Magneto, Famke Janssen (Goldeneye) as Jean Grey aka Phoenix, Kelsey Grammer (Frasier, Money Plane) as Hank McCoy aka Beast, Halle Berry (Monsters Ball, Catwoman) as Ororor Munroe aka Storm, James Marsden (Sonic The Hedgehog, Westworld, Enchanted) as Scott Summers aka Cyclops, Anna Paquin (Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, True Blood) as Rogue, Shawn Ashmore (Frozen) & Aaron Stanford (The Hills Have Eyes) as Bobby & Johnny aka Ice Man & Pyro, Vinnie Jones (Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels) as the Juggernaut, Elliot Page (The Umbrella Academy) as Kitty Pryde, Ben Foster (30 Days of Night) as Angel, & MORE! Andrew & Tara REACT To all the Most Exciting Moments, Best Fight Scenes & Action Sequences including Phoenix Shatters Xavier, Magneto's Bridgework, I'm the Juggernaut, One of the Team, Phoenix Falls, & BEYOND! NOTE FOR YOUTUBE: All Footage Featured From "X-Men: The Last Stand" Is From A FICTIONAL Sci-Fi Action / Comic Book Movie. Any & All References To Violence Or "mature content" Are not real. #XMen3 #MovieReaction #WildcardWednesday #XMenTheLastStand #Marvel #DeadpoolAndWolverine #HughJackman #Wolverine #DarkPhoenix #ProfessorXavier #Magneto #Cyclops #Storm #FirstTimeWatching #MovieReaction #MovieReactionFirstTimeWatching X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) Movie Reaction: • X-MEN ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (2009) MOVIE... X2: X-Men United (2003) Movie Reaction: • X2: X-MEN UNITED (2003) MOVIE REACTIO... X-Men (2000) Movie Reaction: • X-MEN (2000) MOVIE REACTION!! FIRST T... Deadpool & Wolverine Out of the Theatre Reaction: • Just Watched DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE!! I... Joker 2: Folie A Deux Trailer Reaction: • JOKER 2 TRAILER REACTION!! Joker: Fol... Captain America 4 Brave New World Trailer Reaction: • CAPTAIN AMERICA 4 Brave New World TRA... Hulk (2003) Movie Reaction & Review: • HULK (2003) MOVIE REACTION! FIRST TIM... The Punisher (2004) Movie Reaction & Review: • THE PUNISHER (2004) MOVIE REACTION! F... Follow Tara Erickson on Youtube: / @taraerickson Instagram: / taraerickson twitter: / thetaraerickson Follow Andrew Gordon On Socials: YouTube: / @moviesource Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/agor711/?hl=en Twitter: / agor711 0:00 Leave a LIKE! 0:45 X-Men 3 Reaction 51:18 X-Men 3 Review and Post Credits Scene Support The Channel By Getting Some REEL REJECTS Aparrel! https://www.rejectnationshop.com/ Music Used In Manscaped Ad: Hat the Jazz by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... POWERED BY @GFUEL Visit https://gfuel.ly/3wD5Ygo and use code REJECTNATION for 20% off select tubs!! Head Editor: https://www.instagram.com/praperhq/?h... Supervising Producer: https://twitter.com/nerdchronic?lang=en Co-Editor: Greg Alba Co-Editor: John Humphrey Music In Video: Airport Lounge - Disco Ultralounge by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Follow & Listen to Us Wherever You Get Your Podcasts!! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3XHMwbv... Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0... Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast... Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Apocal... Ask Us A QUESTION On CAMEO: https://www.cameo.com/thereelrejects Follow TheReelRejects On SOCIAL MEDIA: FB: / thereelrejects INSTAGRAM: / reelrejects TWITTER: / thereelrejects Follow GREG On INSTAGRAM & TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: / thegregalba TWITTER: / thegregalba PLAYLISTS: Trailer Reactions & Reviews: • Trailer Reactions & Reviews!!! Movie Reviews: • MOVIE REVIEWS!! Reel Rejects Sketches & Short Films: • In-Between Takes!!! (Sketch Series)