The Dangers of Ingratitude | Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo | COZA Tuesday Service | 18-02-2025
Giving thanks is the greatest demonstration and expression of faith. You can't say you are a thanksgiver and you are not spiritual. Thanksgiving releases dominion while ingratitude opens the door for the enemy. Listen and be blessed... Preacher: Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo Sermon Title: The Dangers of Ingratitude Service: COZA Tuesday Service (February 18th, 2025) ____________________________________ Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo is the Global Senior Pastor of The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA): A global church mandated by God to make disciples of all nations, reaching the unchurched who will re-establish God's kingdom on earth and inform the nations adequately. You can sow your seeds, pay your tithes & give your offerings by transferring to our Zenith Bank Account: 1013275906. You can also make payments in dollars and pounds by using the links below: https://bit.ly/cozagive-usd. https://bit.ly/cozapayments-gbp . For First-fruits, use the following details: NIGERIA Naira:1014449841 Zenith Bank, Naira: 1466793187 Access Bank, Dollars: 5070387734 Zenith Bank. REST OF THE WORLD: https://bit.ly/cozafirstfruits-usd UK: https://bit.ly/cozafirstfruit-gbp To partner with us in taking our vision of expanding the gospel of Jesus Christ, click here: https://partners.coza.org.ng/ If you would like to share your praise reports/testimonies send to: [email protected] FOLLOW ON SOCIAL MEDIA Get daily inspiring and edifying content on The Reverend Biodun Fatoyinbo's Social Media! Facebook: / biodunfatoyinbo Instagram: / biodunfatoyinbo #PastorBiodun #BiodunFatoyinbo #COZAGlobal #pastorbioduntv