12 MIN BOOTY BURN WORKOUT (No Squats & Lunges) | No Equipment ~ Jacey Yaw

12 MIN BOOTY BURN WORKOUT (No Squats & Lunges) | No Equipment ~ Jacey Yaw

Hi, I’m back with a workout #WithMe !! So this is a BOOTY WORKOUT, mainly consists of basic exercises to target those GLUTES and HAMSTRINGS for a perkier butt🍑I would recommend doing it with a RESISTANCE BAND ✌🏻if you would like to take it up a notch, because adding that in would definitely make those glutes muscles feel the burn, and build up those muscles, especially for those who want to challenge yourself even more (or maybe this is just too easy for you😜) For this workout, you’ll be doing 45 seconds for EACH EXERCISE and 15 seconds REST💪🏻 Remember that progressively levelling up your workouts will constantly stimulate your muscles and let them grow overtime. So switching up your workout routine from time to time is recommended. ☺️ 🧘🏻‍♀️Exercises: 1. Plank Leg Raises 2. Glute Bridges 3. Single Leg Glute Bridges (R) 4. Single Leg Glute Bridges (L) 5. Glute Bridge March 6. Donkey Kicks + Fire Hydrants (R) 7. Donkey Kicks + Fire Hydrants (L) 8. Lying Side Raises (R) 9. Lying Side Circles (R) 10. Lying Side Raises (L) 11. Lying Side Circles (L) Enjoyed this 12 MIN BOOTY WORKOUT with NO EQUIPMENT!?😉 Show some love and SUBSCRIBE 💕 👉🏻Instagram:   / jaceywz22   🎵Music by: In Time (Instrumental) by Dylan Emmet   / dylanemmet   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/in-time-instrumental Music promoted by Audio Library    • In Time (Instrumental) – Dylan Emmet ...   Feel Good by MusicbyAden   / musicbyaden   Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_feel-good Music promoted by Audio Library    • Feel Good – MusicbyAden (No Copyright...   On The Line (Instrumental) by SilentCrafter   / user-907904720   Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/silentcrafter-on-the-line Music promoted by Audio Library    • Video