교촌 오리지날 만들기 : Korea style Soy sauce chicken | 준야미JunYummy
안녕하세요! 처음 인사드려요!!! 준야미에요 :) Hi, everyone, let me say hello for the first time I'm pleased to meet you My name is JunYummy 저는 지금 현재 호주에서 살고있고 한국에서 요리를 배웠다보니 호주에서 한국음식이 먹고싶을때 자주 해먹는데 여러분에게도 한국음식이나 호주에서 해먹는 요리들을 소개하려고해요 :) I am currently living in Australia and have learned to cook in Korea, so because I have managed to often try to cook Korean food in Australia, but I am going to introduce you Korean food and local dishes I had often cooked in Australia :) 오늘 첫 메뉴는 교촌 오리지날 치킨을 만들어볼꺼에요! 앞으로 잘부탁해요! Today's first menu is going to make famous Kyochon Original Chicken in Korea! Please much recommend my cooking videos in the future Thank you so much for watching my video *준비재료 Ingredients 치킨윙,닭봉 1kg , 우유 , 다진마늘 1ts , 후추,소금 감자전분 1컵 , 간장 반컵 , 고추 후레이크 1ts , 맛술 or 화이트 와인 설탕 반컵 , 굴 소스 1T about 1kg of chicken wing, chicken drumstick , milk, 1ts crushed garlic, ground (black) pepper, salt, 1 cup of potato starch powder, 1/2 cup of soy source, 1ts hot pepper powder, cooking wine or white wine, 1/2 cup of Sugar, 1ts oyster sauce 1 준비한 닭을 물에 깨끗하게 씻어준다 그리고 우유,다진마늘,후추를 넣고 30분 정도 재워둔다 1 Wash the prepared chicken with water Add milk, crushed garlic, and black pepper and let them stand for about 30 minutes 2 우유는 1컵 분량만 빼고 버려주고,전분 1컵을 넣고 잘 섞어주고,소금으로 간을 해준다 2 Leave only 1 cup of milk, throw out the rest of milk, then, add 1 cup of starch, mix well by hand and season with salt 3 닭은 180도로 10분~12분 정도 바삭하게 튀겨준다 3 Fry chicken at 180 degrees for about 10 ~ 12 minutes until all pieces look golden brown and are crunchy outside 4 후라이펜에 간장 반컵,물 반컵, 고추 후레이크 1T , 설탕 반컵, 맛술or화이트 와인, 굴 소스 1T 를 넣어주고 끓여준다 4 Add half a cup of soy sauce, half a cup of water, 1 teaspoon hot pepper flake, half a cup of sugar, cooking wine (if you have this cooking wine, use white wine), 1 teaspoon oyster sauce and boil them 5 잘 튀겨진 치킨에 소스를 잘 발라준다 5 Put the freshly fried chicken into the sauce and gently mix it up with a wooden spoon