ITZY "WANNABE" | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

ITZY "WANNABE" | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

Why are we not doing new songs? It's too difficult to let go of the past. The viral shoulder dance has been staring at us for too long now. While we might have not nailed the step, it's the thought that really matters, no? Check out our cover of Itzy's "Wannabe" and let us know in the comments what other Itzy songs you'd like to see. Have a great day! ~socials~ Instagram Dance Account : @danxingant //   / danxingant   Antara : @antarabasuroy //   / antarabasuroy   Tavishi : @tavishiisingh //   / tavishiisingh   ~credits~ song by: ITZY intro by: tavishi endcard by: antara editing by: antara display picture by: @blaze_227 //   / blaze_227   Disclaimer: We do not own any of the choreography or music. #ITZY #ITzME #WANNABE