ITZY "마.피.아. In the morning" | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

ITZY "마.피.아. In the morning" | KPOP Dance Cover | Antara and Tavishi

Yes you're right, we're part time Mafia. Mafia in the morning is definitely one of their best songs and the choreography is also amazing. We're trying to be as early as possible with the comebacks but it's like EVERYDAY A NEW SONG IS GETTING RELEASED. But we'll get there, don't worry. For now check out our cover on ITZY's 'Mafia in the Morning'. ~socials~ Instagram Dance Account : @danxingant //   / danxingant   Antara : @antarabasuroy //   / antarabasuroy   Tavishi : @tavishiisingh //   / tavishiisingh   ~credits~ song by: ITZY intro by: tavishi endcard by: antara editing by: antara display picture by: @blaze_227 //   / blaze_227   Disclaimer: We do not own any of the choreography or music. #MafiaintheMorning #ITZY #GuessWho #Dancecover​​ #KpopInQuarantine