What if Online Shopping Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if Online Shopping Disappeared? Firstly, if Online Shopping disappeared, shopping malls may start getting overcrowded again. Secondly, Online shopping offers huge discounts, if Online Shopping disappeared, we may have to say goodbye to those discounts. Thirdly, if Online Shopping disappeared, delivery guys would have to search for a new profession. Fourthly, if Online Shopping disappeared, the amount of shopping that we do may actually get reduced. Lastly, Online Shopping provides us many options to choose from, if Online Shopping disappeared, those many options may not be available anymore. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Online Shopping Disappeared? 1:08 - Why do we blush? 2:15 - Why do ships float? 3:15 - How do straws work? 4:13 - How does coffee keep you awake? 5:13 - Is distilled water safe to drink? 6:22 - Why do onions make you cry? 7:35 - How does a bone heal? 8:41 - Why does a guitar have a hollow box? 9:44 - Why do we sweat?