Zombie Army Trilogy - Ep3 - City Of Ashes - ALL Bottles and Gold

Zombie Army Trilogy - Ep3 - City Of Ashes - ALL Bottles and Gold

Welcome to Zombie Army Trilogy. This is on the XBox One, sent to you via youtube in glorious 1080p @ 60fps - We show you the locations of all the collectibles in this mission, accompanied by commentary by me NTA Paul / GT: SSCP This has been a long old slog I must admit to find them all - Spent over 16 hours on this mission - Hopefully it save you some time :) Zombie Army Trilogy - Ep3 - City Of Ashes - ALL Bottles and Gold Feel free to subscribe, follow us on twitter @ntagameguides , and if you want to see me streaming: www.twitch.tv/mrneblo I do have one set up for our NTA channel that can be found at www.twitch.tv/nta_live ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First Contact - All Collectibles"    • Hard Reset Redux - Mission 1: First C...   ~-~~-~~~-~~-~