바나나와 커스터드 (클래식 영국 음식). Banana with homemade custard recipe.

바나나와 커스터드 (클래식 영국 음식). Banana with homemade custard recipe.

In the video today you will see a simple homemade custard recipe (홈메이드 커스터드 레시피 ) served with a humble banana This British classic banana & custard dessert (잉글리시커스터드와바나나) is a simple and humble recipe but delicious This dessert is great when you want to prepare something quickly Ingredients 1 Banana ( A tin of mixed fruit or peaches also go well) 600ml Milk For more creamy custard you could add ½ milk, ½ cream 3 egg yolks 1tsp Vanilla essence or powder Vanilla bean is the best ( Empty one vanilla bean into the milk and add the pod but remove this later) 25g Sugar (white/granulated) 2tsp Corn starch In today’s video I mention a few other recipes Here are the links if you are interested in checking them out 1 영어 잼 타르트 만들기 Simple Jam tarts recipe 2 전통 영국 애플 크럼블 만들기 A traditional English Apple🍎crumble recipe with homemade custard 3 잼 롤리-폴리 & 커스타드 Jam roly-poly recipe ⭐️ To subscribe to Auntie A’s Kitchen please follow the link below Thanks for watching Background music- AGoodMood by YoungRichPixies Artlist io #Homemadecustardandbanana #커스터드와바나나 #Britishcustardandbanana