15 MIN JUMP ROPE & ABS WORKOUT (Cardio Abs At Home)

15 MIN JUMP ROPE & ABS WORKOUT (Cardio Abs At Home)

The perfect cardio abs routine! Join me in this 15 minute jump rope abs session! If you don't have a jump rope you can just pretend, but using a jump rope will add to the coordination aspect of this routine! #fitness #homeworkout #jumprope JUMP ROPE I USE: https://store.madfit.co/ 👉🏼 DOWNLOAD THE MADFIT APP HERE: https://madfit.app.link/e/store ⭐️ WARM UP FIRST! :    • WARM UPS   ⭐️ COOL DOWN AFTER! :    • COOL DOWNS   ✘ I N S T A G R A M: @madfit.ig ✘ T W I T T E R: @maddielymburner ✘ F A C E B O O K: facebook.com/madfit.ig ✉ C O N T A C T (business inquiries): [email protected]