How Long Does Ativan Withdrawal Take?

How Long Does Ativan Withdrawal Take?

Benzodiazepine withdrawal can be dangerous. Heavy dependence, such as in cases of higher and/or more prolonged use, is linked with more severe withdrawal symptoms. In some cases, withdrawal can produce seizure-like activity, and this can be life-threatening. As a result, you should never suddenly stop taking Ativan on your own. Medical supervision is needed for safe benzodiazepine withdrawal. A doctor will design and oversee a tapering schedule, so your dosage of Ativan will be gradually reduced over time. Protracted withdrawal systems can result in mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, so it’s important to remain under a doctor’s care. Learn More: Connect with Boca Recovery Center: Website: Phone: 1(855) 962-3301 Facebook:   / bocarecoverycenter   Instagram:   / bocarecoverycenter   LinkedIn:   / bocarecoverycenter   TikTok:   / bocarecoverycenter   YouTube:    / bocarecoverycenter   Twitter:   / bocarecovcenter   Pinterest:   / bocarecoverycenter