10 Min. Heart Meditation Release all Stress. Heart Brain Meditation

10 Min. Heart Meditation Release all Stress. Heart Brain Meditation

Overwhelmed by stress and negativity? Find your calm in just 10 minutes! This meditation will guide you to effortlessly neutralize negativity and experience inner peace amidst life's chaos. Discover how to rapidly recharge your mind and body with positive emotions. Through simple steps, you'll learn to relax, breathe deeply, and radiate positivity. Let go of tension, find your center, and unlock your inner strength. Ready to transform your day? Press play and embark on a journey to tranquility. [143M] =============================================== Video Chapters Summary 00:00 HumJeetenge 00:40 First Step: Easy Relaxation 03:26 Second Step : 5-8 Breathing 04:43 Step : Coherence Radiate Positivity 04:54 धन्यवाद 05:06 Breath 05:15 Peace & Positivity 05:50 मैं शक्तिशाली हूँ 06:13 Release from the past hurt 06:40 Capability 07:10 Last autosuggest 09:40 End ================================================ Watch Video हर पल में आनंद है बस flow में बहना सीखो. Story on Present Moment👉👉   • हर पल में आनंद है बस flow में बहना सी...   ================================================ Please.. if you find anything that belongs to you and should be taken down before you claim it to youtube contact me here: [email protected] and I will delete it right away, I have worked really hard for this channel, I'm sure you'll understand. ================================================ Social Links Whatsapp Channel 👉 https://bit.ly/HJ_Whatsapp Spotify 👉 https://bit.ly/Spotify_HJ Facebook 👉 http://bit.ly/36TJdWD Instagram 👉 http://bit.ly/2AmxUIa Telegram 👉 https://bit.ly/telegrm_HJ ================================================ जीतने वालों, मेरा Goal है जल्दी से जल्दी (500k*10) 5M subscriptions पहुंचना| Subscribe ज़रूर ज़रूर ज़रूर करें. Please subscribe to the channel - https://goo.gl/nat4z1 Most Recent Video - https://goo.gl/Q2u8Wm Most Popular Video - https://goo.gl/wzcVY1 ================================================ New Videos every 6 Days ================================================ हिम्मत, हरकत, होशियारी Himmat Harkat Hoshiyari हम जीतेंगे Hum Jeetenge Music Credits Music name -: Eternity by Whitesand    • Whitesand - Eternity (Epic Beautiful ...   Bandcamp Link for purchasing-: https://whitesand.bandcamp.com/ Spotify-:https://open.spotify.com/artist/3GXun...