Do This 10 Min Deep Core & Pelvic Floor Workout 3x a week For FLAT TUMMY| No Repeat| No Equipment

Do This 10 Min Deep Core & Pelvic Floor Workout 3x a week For FLAT TUMMY| No Repeat| No Equipment

Hello Savage girlies!! You absolutely need this workout in your life! Pelvic floor health is so so important and not talked about enough. These are some of my favourite and super effective exercises to recruit and engage the deep core muscles and get you the strongest core ever!!! This workout is for you if you want flat belly, get rid of belly pooch and also have control over your pelvic floor!! I am very serious about this. Strengthening your pelvic floor can help your sex life and overal well being baby!! Do this workout regualrly and consistently to reap all teh benefits!! YOU GOT THIS. Don't give up. Practice makes perfect. It is all about mind muscle connection, intention, focus and control. Let me know in the comments if you enjoy this workout! Do this 3x a week for the best results in combination with healthy nutrition! Shop my 28 DAY DEBLOAT MEAL PLAN: Enjoy and give it your best!!! Want more challenging workouts? Join my APP: Try my FAVEE Organic VEGAN PROTEIN: (Code: HESO22 to save money!) Shop my AMAZON FAVEES: NUTRITION IS THE KEY! I believe in long-term, sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle shifts. I do not count calories, neither follow any specific diet. I believe in balance, consistency and habits that make you healthy and happy! Hashtags: #flatbellyworkout #flatbellychallenge #flattummyworkout #flattummychallenge #flatabs #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorpt #pelvicfloorworkout #deepcore #deepcoreexercises #deepcoreengagement #deepcoremuscles #deepcoretraining #deepcoreworkout #deepcorefloorexercises #deepcoreactivation #TA #transverseabdominusmuscles #transverseabdominis #transverseabdominisactivation #bellyfat #bellypooch #bellypouch #bellypoochbegone #bellypoochworkout #lowerabs #lowerabsworkout #homeworkout #workoutsforwomen #pilatesabs #pilatesabsandcore #coreworkout #slimwaist #slimwaistworkout #tinywaist #hourglassfigure #hourglassworkout #hourglasschallenge #hourglassabs #hourglassabworkout #lowimpactworkout #pilatesworkout #weightlosstransformation #weightlossworkout #hourglassfigure #hourglassworkout #absworkout #bellyfatloss #bellyfatburnathome #bellyfatexercise #bellyfatexcises #lovehandleworkout #slimwaist #muffintop #muffintopworkout