Surya Namaskar Mantra | सूर्य नमस्कार मंत्र Yoga Surya Namaskar Mantra | Sun Salutation 12 Mantras
Surya Namaskara mantras are the ancient vedic mantra chanted audibly or mentally while performing the Sun Salutation. Surya Namaskara or the Sun Salutation is a series of 12 yoga poses performed in sequential order. This is a way to get connected to lord sun and have a healthy body. It is a complete yogic package for the body, breath, mind and the spirit. The Sun salutation is done in the early morning facing the rising sun or in the evening facing the setting sun. Perform the surya namaskar empty stomach. There are two ways of doing the Surya Namaskara – with or without mantra chanting. Namaskara means to bow, to salute. Each of the 12 poses have a specific mantra which can be chanted mentally or even audibly during each pose. This is to pay salutations to the sustainer of life. When Surya Namaskara is performed with mantra, then it is done at a pace with awareness of the mantra chanting. Doing Sun salutation along with mantra chanting energies you with more power: the power of pose and the power of mantra. So here we are mentioning the mantra corresponding to each pose. Surya Namaskar 12 Poses Mantra 1 Pranamasana - Om Mitraya Namaha 2 Hasta Uttanasana - Om Ravaye Namaha 3 Pada Hastasana - Om Suryaya Namaha 4 Ashwa Sanchalanasana - Om Bhanave Namaha 5 Parvatasana - Om Khagaya Namaha 6 Ashtanga Namaskara - Om Pushne Namaha 7 Bhujangasana - Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha 8 Parvatasana Om Marichaye Namaha 9 Ashwa Sanchalanasana - Om Adityaya Namaha 10 Pada Hastasana - Om Savitre Namaha 11 Hasta Uttanasana - Om Arkaya Namaha 12 Pranamasana - Om Bhaskaraya Namaha Lord Sun has many names and each name has it own significance. Surya namaskara mantra comprises the 12 names of Lord Sun. Therefore we are sharing the meaning of Surya Namaskar Mantra for better understanding. This may remind the practitioner about the different qualities of Lord Surya : 1. Who is friendly to all 2. The shining one, the radiant one 3. Who is the dispeller of darkness and responsible for bringing activity 4. One who illumines, the bright one 5. Who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky 6. Giver of nourishment and fulfillment 7. Who has golden color brilliance 8. The giver of light with infinite number of rays 9. The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine Mother 10. One who is responsible for life 11. Worthy of praise and glory 12. Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination #SuryaNamaskar12Mantra #SunSalutation #Yogaday21june