ONLY BY GRACE REFLECTIONS - Comments From the Chair 1 January 2021

ONLY BY GRACE REFLECTIONS - Comments From the Chair 1 January 2021

#MaryMotherOfGod #Luke021621 #PrayerOfBlessing #Numbers062227 #Google #Prayer #PonderingOfMary TOPIC: DO YOU KNOW HOW YOU CAN START 2021 RIGHT AND MAKE THIS YEAR TRULY BRIGHT? Today is the first day of 2021, the Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. The vision of 2020 may seem to have been blurred by uncertainty and fear. And many of us may have asked the question “Why?” especially if we have been the recipient of bad news ⏤ the death of a loved one, termination from our job, the closure of our business, being afflicted with COVID-19 ⏤ and all other afflictions that have caused our own world to turn upside-down. Our daily existence is fille with “whys” not just for information or knowledge, but, more importantly, to answer questions that affect us and our loved ones deeply. [VIDEO - Google — Year in Search 2020]    • Google — Year in Search 2020   Perhaps, we can learn a thing or two from the faith journey of Mary in today’s gospel reading (Luke 2:16-21). This is the 269th installment of our CFC quarantine contemplation series focusing on the daily liturgical readings. C R E D I T S: Google Brand Studio Words/Narration: Kofi Lost Editor: Scott Butzer - Cabin Editing Company Sound Design: John Bolen - Formosa Group VFX/Color/Finish: Shape + Light Original Music: Peter CottonTale - “Together” Featured Artists: Chicago Children’s Choir, Cynthia Erivo, and The Matt Jones (Re-Collective Orchestra) - SELECT FOOTAGE COURTESY OF: @RMG News Getty Images / NBC News Archives Tom Fuller, Tom Wilkinson, and the University of Oxford Seán Doran Photo by Stephanie Maze Footage from the “World Surf Weekly” provided through the courtesy of the World Surf League Meged Gozani, Haaretz The Real Neal’s Breonna Taylor Mural by Future History Now Breonna Taylor Mural photo courtesy of Maurice Taylor Academy Awards® Clip Copyright © Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences WNBA/NBA footage courtesy of the National Basketball Association Jimmy Fallon footage courtesy of NBC Universal Estate of Breonna Taylor Trayvon Martin Foundation The estate of George Floyd Mamba & Mambacita Sports Foundation Photo copyright courtesy of NBC Archives Footage copyright courtesy of Alyza Enriquez Richner Communications, Inc /Long Island Herald Story to Spectacle Nandi Bushell Eddie VanHalen music video footage courtesy of Rhino Records, a Warner Music Group company Canal OFF XOS Digital Mural Credit -Dom Whitehurst Photo courtesy of Nate Palmer Photography by PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/AP Commencement speech courtesy of Howard University Mural Artist Nikkolas Smith Footage courtesy US Tennis Association JaVale McGee,    / javalemcgee   Subscribe to our Channel:    / google   Tweet with us on Twitter:   / google   Follow us on Instagram:   / google   Join us on Facebook:   / google   [NOTE: All the regular reflections are between 3-7 minutes long, enough time for us to ponder what God's message is for us individually and to pray that we may live them out in our lives. This video is also available on   / cfchrist   and Bong Arjonillo’s Facebook page]