Bean sprout and cucumber cold soup
Bean sprout cucumber cold soup savory taste is because of this. How to make bean sprout cold soup with asparagine acid for summer hangovers Bean sprouts are rich in protein, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Bean sprouts are rich in antioxidants, which are said to help with cell damage and immunity enhancement. It is said to be low in calories and good for dieting because it makes you feel full. It is said to be rich in dietary fiber, which helps with digestion and preventing constipation. It is said to stabilize blood sugar and help with diabetes management. Bean sprout soup contains asparagine acid, which is good for hangover relief. If you like the recipe, please like it! You can subscribe to my channel for free. Don't forget to leave a comment! Ingredients 200g bean sprouts. 4 cups vegetable stock. 1/2 cup water. Gomaeng Ingredients 1/2 red pepper. 5cm cucumber. 5cm green onion. Seasoning Ingredients 1T tuna liquid. 1T salt. 1T minced garlic. 1/2T sesame seeds. *Season with salt. Be sure! When done, keep it cold in the refrigerator or ice. Bean sprout cold soup is good for quickly getting rid of summer hangovers. Add a little cucumber for a great fragrant taste in your mouth. #Bean sprout cucumber cold soup #Heosang table #Bean sprout soup ★ Facebook / hersang2972 ★ Instagram / hersang2972 Subscribe • 여름 피로회복 레몬청 만들기! 레몬세척 레몬에이드 만드는법 수제청