10 Min Full Body KETTLEBELL SWINGS Supersets // Intermediate Level | NO JUMPING
Superset each exercise with a kettlebell swing, YAY!!🔥 🙋🏼 Follow on Instagram: / workoutwithroxanne ❤️ Love the workouts and want to say thanks? ➡️ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/roxanner... ➡️ / workoutwithroxanne Exercises: 1. Goblet Squats - KB Swings 2. Shoulder press - KB Swings 3. Tick Tock Lunges - KB Swings 4. Swap sides - KB Swings 5. Take overs - KB Swings 6. Half Burpee DLS - KB Swings 7. KB Halo twist - KB Swings Really IMPORTANT to warm up: 👉 • 5 Min Dynamic WARM UP with mobility /... Suggested Workouts for you after: 👉 10 Min KB Glute Bridge: • BEST GLUTE BRIDGE WORKOUT to grow you... 👉 15 Min ARMS & ABS: • 15 Min Kettlebell ARMS & ABS Sculptin... 👉 10 Min Standing KB ABS: • 10 MIN STANDING KETTLEBELL ABS | FUNC... 👉 10 Min Dumbbell ABS: • 10 Min CORE STRENGTH // Dumbbell Work... 👉 Cool Down and Stretch: • 10 Mins FULL BODY STRETCH | Post Work... ⭐️ The Mat I use: https://miramat.com.au/?sca_ref=13285... 🎵 Where I download my Music *Try it FREE for 30 days* https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... 👉 Join this channel to get access to perks: / @workoutwithroxanne Thanks for watching! Roxanne ❤ ____________________________ D I S C L A I M E R Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Roxanne Russell will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this workout video. #kettlebellworkout #fullbodyworkout #kettlebellswings